Weekend Schedule
Registration: 3pm-5pm
Camp Fire: Aftredark
Registration: 10 am- 12 pm 3 pm - 5 pm
7:30 pm - DJStick4eyes - spinning retro 45 vinyl
Camp Fire Jam: Afterdark - bring your favourite instrument and join in.
Registration: 9am - 12pm
9:00am - VW Flea Market & Swap – (Only registered BusFusion attendees may set up to sell) – items offered for sale should be VW bus related please
10am - Puppy Parade - Dress your dog/pet up in their best costume.
1:00 pm Tie-dye workshop – beside the main Agricultural Hall. Bring an article made of natural material and create a one-of-a-kind piece of art, hippie-style.
3:00 pm - Chris’ Syncro Horseshoe Toss
6:00 pm – Communal Supper in the Agricultural Hall. Bring your food and drinks to meet and enjoy with your friends. Everyone will dine together. (Feel free to set up earlier)
Announcements and Speeches will go on throughout dinner up until 8.
*Door Prize Draw * Kids Prize draw * 50/50 draw *
8:15-Midnight - Live Music in Ag Hall - The Orangeman - an explosive, non-stop, partyrock band delivering a carefully compiled song list of knock out dance hits from the ‘70s through to the ‘2ks.
Campfire Jam to follow
Clean up!